Laurence A. Connors & Blake E. Hayward
Survival of the Fittest
Lee Gettess' Market Sense
Symmetrical Triangles
Finding the Right Broker
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Laurence A. Connors is President of Connors, Bassett and Associates, an investment management firm, and Managing Partner of Oceanview Financial Research, Inc., a financial markets research company, both located in Malibu, California.  A graduate of SyracuseUniversity, Connors has co-authored a number of research studies involving the financial markets.


Blake E. Hayward

is Managing Partner of Connors, Basset and Associates and a Managing Partner of Oceanview Financial, Inc.  Proficient in the development of financial market trading systems, Hayward has created a number of technical indicators now in use by traders.  In addition, Hayward has co-authored a number of research studies involving the financial markets.  Hayward graduated form UCLA with a degree in business economics.
Adam Oliensis 
Andy Chambers
Brian Schad 
Chuck Hughes
Darrell Jobman
Dave Caplan
Don Fishback
Ellie Taft
Gary Wagner
George Angell
George Fontanills
Glenn Neely
Jack Schwager
Jeff Horovitz
Joe Duffy
Jon Najarian
John Weston
Kathy Lien
Ken W. Chow
Larry Connors
Larry Williams
Lawrence McMillan
Lee Gettess
Mark Fisher
Murray Ruggiero
Paul Forchione
Peter McKenna
Ray Frazier
Russell Sands
Scott Krieger
Ted Tesser
Tom DeMark
Tony Catalfamo
Welles Wilder
April 14, 2010     

Inside Trading features an interesting perspective from Laurence Connors and Blake Hayward.  In their article, these gentlemen discuss what it takes to survive as a trader.

Next, Lee Gettess brings us his weekly video newsletter on what he expects to see from the bond and S&P market for the coming week.

Andy Chambers provides the following article explaining the concept of symmetrical triangles.

Last, Don Wellenreiter takes you through selecting a good broker.


Adrienne LaVigne
Survival of the Fittest
By: Laurence A. Connors and Blake E. Hayward

The following is an excerpt from Connors & Hayward's Investment Secrets of a Hedge Fund Manager 


Trading is one tough game.  In the futures markets, 97 percent of all traders lose.  Those who win, win big.  Individuals such as George Soros, Monroe Trout, and Bruce Kovner make millions year in and year out.  Those millions do not appear from the sky.  They are taken from the pockets of the 97 percent who lose. 


What do the 3 percent have that the other 97 percent don't have?  A trading methodology combined with proper money management and a proper psychology that works.

Surviving as a trader

Lee Gettess' Market Sense
Lee Gettess is a top trader who is excited to bring you his new video newsletter. Each week, Lee will share his predictions on what he anticipates from the bond and S&P markets.

Symmetrical Triangles

By: Andy Chambers

The following is an excerpt from Andy Chamber's Options Made Easy 


Symmetrical triangles are great patterns to trade.  A symmetrical triangle is a continuation pattern that narrows until it finally erupts in a breakout.  The best patterns have five legs, and each leg is smaller than the preceding leg.  A move beyond the leg 4 high or low suggests that the market is ready for a breakout.  Since it's a continuation pattern, we expect the market to break out of the triangle the same way it came in.  This symmetrical triangle in the Canadian Dollar resulted in a major breakout.  The triangle took a long time to form.  The longer a market goes sideways, the bigger the breakout can be.  We can estimate a target for the pattern by measuring the width of the first leg and adding that to the leg 4 high, if the pattern is bullish, or subtracting it from the leg 4 low, if the pattern is bearish.


The symmetrical triangle pattern

Finding the Right Broker
By: Don Wellenreiter

The following is an excerpt taken from Don Wellenreiter's Millionaire Secrets for the Average Guy



This article may bother some of my friends in the brokerage community, but investors need to be aware of certain things when looking for a broker.  When you search for a broker, you must first know who you are.  Are you the type of investor that needs to rely 100% on your broker, or do you call your own shots?  Do you take your trades from some newsletter and just place your trade with your broker?


Professional hedge fund managers

reveal their carefully kept secrets


Learn strategies that can easily be combined into a single, comprehensive trading program that makes you a huge fortune in very little time - and with strictly limited risk! After reading this book and listening to the FREE Investment SecretsBONUS audio tapes of Connors and Hayward sharing their innermost secrets, you'll know how to...

  • Identify when the "herd" miscalculates the effect of news, which creates huge opportunities for those who really know what's going on
  • Anticipate explosive market moves well in advance
  • Pinpoint the exact point of a pending market turnaround

There's much more, of course - page after page of "inside" information gathered from the minds of two of this country's most successful hedge fund managers. But that's not all you get with your order for this book...


Two Valuable Bonuses!

PLEASE READ.  Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results.  There is a substantial risk of loss trading commodities with or without this or any other advertised product, service or system.  Also hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations.  Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading.  Since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity.  Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight.  No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown.