Perpetual Income Generator


4th Dimension

Perpetual Income Generator


The Most Powerful Trading Breakthrough in
Over 40 Years


From watching the 4th Dimension training series you should now realize that any lack of trading success you may have experienced in the past…

Chart SampleIs not your fault…  You’re not alone… And most important…

We can easily fix the problem right here and now!

Have Your Charts Been Robbing You

Of the Success

You Deserve?

As you can see in the chart to your right, the lagging indicators on which most traders rely have no predictive power whatsoever!

But, you’ll be happy to know…

The 4th dimension fixes everything!

Steve Swanson4th Dimension

Fixes Everything!

My Name’s Steve Swanson and I want you to know…

The exciting breakthrough I’m going to share with you today is…

Completely Scientific…

100% Proven’Order Chart 2

And positively Life Changing!


The Price-time continuum, which I’ll tell you all about in a minute…

Actually FORCES the market into cyclical moves  like clockwork.  

Over the past 5 years my cycle charts predicted a total of 38 intermediate market bottoms and an equal number of Chart 3tops… each of which I announced before they occurred. 

And if you had done nothing more than buy the S&P 500 triple-beta ETF every time I announced a market bottom… and then taken profits when I announced the top…

You could have grown a modest $5,000 account into an exciting $741,941 fortune… including commissions!

What’s more… It’s no-brainer simple to do.

PaulKDeadly Accurate and

No-Brainer Simple to Do!


“Time and time again Steve’s charts signal a bottom then the market turns right around and zooms back up to the previous high.”

“Because it keeps happening just like clockwork, it gives you the confidence to enter.”

“It really is so easy and I’m having so much fun, I’m starting to get friends who have never traded before involved.”

This is something anybody can be successful with.  And it doesn’t take much time either”

--Paul K., Programmer in Bullard, TX

Paul was so excited about his new-found success, he immediately told his friend, Forrest… who,I’m sure, will be eternally grateful

Forrest CHardworking Blacksmith

Down to His Last $305

Able to Retire In 2 Years!

“I lost so much money I was physically sick.”

“But then, thanks to Steve’s cycle charts, the measly $305 left in my trading account grew into a considerable fortune in less than 2 years!”

"Now I can retire from 40 years hard labor shoeing horses and support my family very comfortably as a trader.”

--Forrest, Farrier in Texas


The greatest trading breakthrough of the century has been changing the lives of traders like Forrest for nearly two decades.

But word-of-mouth is a slow way for news to travel. 

So to this day, hardly anybody knows about it.

That’s why I’m so delighted for this opportunity to tell you about two exciting ways for YOU to profit.

And either way you go you’ll receive an email from me every day so you’ll know precisely when to get into the market… And when to get out!

Traders Have Been Trying To

Break the Time Barrier

for More Than 100 Years

BobK“Going all the way back to Gann, probably even before, people have tried to make sense of naturally occurring market cycles… without  much success.”

“But, Steve’s analysis works differently. You don’t have to be a mathematician. You don’t have to do a lot of finagling. You just have to watch how the various cycles line up.”

“I’ve subscribed to Steve’s forecasts for at least 8 years, maybe more.

“And you won’t believe the accuracy until you see it with your own eyes.”

“It’s almost mystical.”

“Using Steve’s analysis to trade ETFs and e-minis, I win 9-out-of-10 trades and my overall return is over 100% a year.”

                          --Bob K., Chicago Accountant

Nine out of ten winners… over 100% return…

No wonder Investors have been trying so hard to make sense of naturally occurring market cycles.

But with so many market-moving events creating multiple cycles of varying degrees… and with all those cycles conflicting with one another… and then coming together like the perfect storm… it was impossible for TRADERS to sort it all out… but 20 years ago I wasn’t a trader.

4th Dimension Secret to

Nearly 100% Winners

Came From Medical R&D

Twenty years ago I wasn’t a trader… I am now, but I wasn’t then.

Twenty years ago I was an inventor.SpeechMaster Voice Analysis

And I had just invented a software program that could decode the sound waves made by a person’s voice and break them into their cyclical components

SpeachMaster was heralded as a major breakthrough in speech therapy and was widely used in clinics, schools, and by linguistic trainers.

And somehow it came to the attention of a group of professional option traders who asked if I could adapt the algorithms to analyze stock data.

Order Page Chart 4Running sophisticated algorithms to measure and record persistent market cycles…

I accomplished the unthinkable.

I broke the time barrier!

As it turns out, it’s the effect of time on price or the Price-Time Continuum that not only predicts but actually controls every market turn!

And harnessing the full power of the price/time continuum changes everything!

With Knowledge Like This…

How Can You Lose?

Craig M“I met Steve Swanson  when we moved into his neighborhood about 12 years ago.”

“And we got to talking about the stock market.”

“My background is digital signal analysis.”

“So, I understood the genius of his price-wave charts right away.”

“What it does is, it lets you know ahead of time when the market’s going to top and when it’s going to bottom.”

“And with knowledge like that, how can you lose?”

--Craig M., Electrical Engineer in Utah

That’s the spirit!

Truth be told, you can lose… but not very much… and not very often.

Out of the past 52 signals, 46 produced winning trades… and the average winner was NINE TIMES as big as the average loss!

Chart 6So Craig’s right after all… at that rate you can’t lose!

If you started with $10,000 and took every signal I sent you…

Buying the SSO Exchange Traded Fund… which moves up and down 2-times as much as the S&P 500… at the end of six years you’d have $290,498, less commissions

And if you’d bought the SPLX Triple-Beta ETF you’d be a millionaire!

Even more important, since we could see the 2008 crash coming we suffered NO drawdowns whatsoever.

DennyFAnd You Can Make Even

More Money Trading Options

“Over the past 15 years I’ve tried all kinds of coaching programs, software, newsletters-- you name it, I’ve tried it.  But, none of it worked very well until now.”

 “When Steve explains what to expect with various ETFs…”

 “I just turn around and buy options on that ETF.”

“I’m at a point where, if I want to retire and enjoy doing more than just hanging around the house I need to be successful at trading.”

“And finally I am!”  -- Denny F., Electrical Engineer in Texas


100% Guaranteed

If you watched the training videos… and seen the vast wealth building potential with your own eyes… you understand why I feel so confident that you and I are going to make a fortune together.

But, if by some unimaginable twist of fate 4th Dimension Perpetual Income trade suggestions fail to produce a profit over the next 12 months, you’ll be entitled to receive a full 100% refund of the purchase price… Yet you will return nothing!  This really is too good to pass up.

Louisa CSecurity… Simplicity…

Mind-Boggling Profits…

Pure Fun… 

“I consider myself very conservative when it comes to money.”

“If it’s not a pretty secure investment, I won’t do it.”

“But, I see those cycles and they do work.  And they’re easy to understand for anybody, I would say.”

 “And the profits are just mindboggling.”

“And it’s all real. I’m amazed. I truly am.

“And it’s fun…It really is fun.”

Louisa C. Stay-At-Home Mom in Texas

Security… simplicity… mind-boggling profits… pure fun…

And now it’s your turn!th Dimension

Once a Trader Discovers 
4th Dimension
Predictive Powers
They’re Hooked for Life!



Blaine M., in Calgary made so much money he not only quit his ‘day job’,  he now manages other people’s money too!

“It’s been about 14 years that I’ve been following Steve’s cycle analysis. And his system is so accurate about when you should get in and when you should get out, I quit my accounting job to become a full time trader.”



David R

David R., who's an
California attorney, would never even think of quitting.

“I’ve been using Steve’s service for 10 years or more…  It’s how I managed to avoid the big draw-down in 2008. It’s brought me hundreds of thousands of dollars. I’d never even think of quitting.”




Isabella got her own trading account when she was 12 and made better than 50% profit her very first year.

“And what’s really awesome is I’ll be able to make a living without having to leave home; so I can train horses. That’s all I’ve ever wanted since I was a little kid.”



Craig M

For more than a decade, 4D forecasts have empowered Craig to give his large family the privileges he feels they deserve.

“My wife and I have 5 children… 3 are now married. And you have college, which is so stinking expensive these days. So, this is how I pay for the weddings and help my kids out with college and cars. But a few years down the road, I expect it’ll pay for a very comfortable and fun retirement."




Bob K., an accountant in Chicago, doubles his money every year...and he's not even trading options.

"I’ve subscribed to Steve’s forecasts for at least 8 years, maybe more...Trading ETFs and overall return is over 100% a year.”

Welcome Gift


Manual and DVDMarket Turning Point

Manual & 6-Part DVD

Power-packed manual and recording of our 6-session webinar workshop (which sold for $599) will put you on the fast-track to abundant wealth, even if you have no prior trading experience at all.

Understanding the technology involved will allow you to confidently profit from each new trade suggestion starting the very first day.


Extra Bonus Gift

Final BonusSecret to Exploiting Ultra-Short Cycles for

Ultra-Huge Profits

Strap in for the ride of your life!

Ultra-Short cycles on 60-minute charts produce Ultra-Huge profits on a daily basis.  Discover how you can grab your share in this insightful eBook…. Yours free.


4th Dimension

Perpetual Income Generator

Membership Privileges



Email Service4th Dimension

Advisory Service Emails

5 Days a Week

Daily updates conveniently delivered to your inbox will warn you days in advance exactly what to expect… and precisely when to get in and out of the market.



Website Access


4th Dimension

Market Turning Point

Website Access

Daily Commentary on market conditions and specific suggestions on how you can glean the greatest profits.

Exclusive 4D Charts show you what direction the stock market is heading days and weeks in advance, giving you a clear picture of what you read in the daily email.

Proprietary Add-On Software enables you to view cycle analysis in real-time on intraday charts so you can day-trade on your own.

 Weekly Webinar

Live Weekly Webinar


Live weekly webinars with open-mic Q&A keep you up-to-date on where to find the greatest profits with the least risk under current market conditions… and they’re recorded for later viewing if you’d prefer.



40% OffFor Preferred Members Only

If you say “Yes” to a Preferred Membership you’ll get a 40% discount on all future 4D products and services for life!


Which Term

Is Right for You?

4th Dimension Advisory Emails & Website are available in your choice of an Exclusive  6-month or a Preferred 18-month term. 

And regardless of which term you choose you’ll receive…

Market Turning Point

Manual & 6-part DVD, (retail value $599)


So ask yourself… “Am I testing the waters?” 


Or, “Am I ready to choose lifelong prosperity?”


Here’s the difference:


4D Preferred Lifetime Member --  $1,997

18- Months of Carefully Guided Success by daily Advisory Emails, daily Commentary, exclusive 4D Charts, proprietary add-on software, and live weekly webinars… That’s 6 months of subscription products FREE!

40% Preferred Member Discount on any and all 4D products and services FOR the REST of YOUR LIFE… even if your initial services lapse for some reason.  Whenever you come back you’ll be entitled to receive a 40% discount (non-transferrable).

4D Exclusive 6-Month Member --  $997

6- Months of Carefully Guided Success by way of daily Advisory Emails, daily Commentary, exclusive 4D Charts, proprietary add-on software, and live weekly webinars.

Renewal Privileges entitle you to renew initial subscription services for as long as there is no lapse in service.


Choose one term or choose the other… whichever is right for you.

The most important thing is… Choose NOW and let’s get your 4D Perpetual Income Generator started!

To order online…

Please click on the term you prefer

Check Box 4D Preferred Lifetime Member $1,997
Check Box 4D Exclusive 6-month Member $997

Get answers to all your questions by email:
If you need assistance…  

Please Have Your Credit Card Ready Before Calling our 24-hour help desk



Option and stock investing involves risk and is not suitable for all investors. Only invest money you can afford to lose in stocks and options. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The trade entry and exit prices represent the price of the security at the time the recommendation was made. The record does not represent actual investment results. Trade examples are simulated and have certain limitations. Simulated results do not represent actual trading. Since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under or over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as lack of liquidity. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.

NOTICE: This testimonial was provided by subscribers to Steve's various products without compensation. Steve Swanson believes they are true based on the representations of the subscribers but has not independently verified them, nor have photos been authenticated, nor has any attempt been made to determine the experience of the individuals after the testimonials were given. They may have been given in reference to one of Steve's products or services - not necessarily Perpetual Income Generator. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. People can and do lose money trading options.



Secret to Exploiting
Ultra-Short Cycles for

Ultra-Huge Profits


Strap in for the ride of
your life!

Ultra-Short cycles
produce Ultra-Huge
profits nearly every day
of the week. 

Discover how  you can grab your share in this
insightful eBook…. Yours FREE

Just tell us where to send your FREE ebook…


Your information is 100% secure and

it will never be shared with anyone.