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Trade Options for a Living Manual
Trade Options for a Living Video 1
Trade Options for a Living Video 2
Trade Options for a Living Video 3
Options For Income in Las Vegas
Power Trend Trade Selection
In this video we will explore the Power Trend trade selection process. The Power Trend System has a long history of success. Using the Power Trend System, the Optioneering Trade Alert Services have given members the opportunity to profit over the past twenty-four years with no losing years. If we can identify a stock moving up in price with the Power Trend trade selection process, we can harness the tremendous profit potential available from trading options.
Selecting an Option Strike Price
The Power Trend System uses the '1% Rule' to select a call option strike price. When you use the 1% Rule, the underlying stock/ETF price only needs to increase 1% for the call option to start profiting. A 1% stock price increase to profit has a much higher probability of being profitable than an at-the-money or out-of-the-money call option strike prices. Using the 1% Rule to select a call option strike price can increase your percentage of winning trades and your odds of success.
Option Trade Management
The goal of the Power Trend Option System is to maintain a 3 to 1 or higher Profit to Loss Ratio. In order to maintain a 3 to 1 or higher Profit to Loss Ratio you must practice sound trade management. In this video we explore the Optioneering trade management rules. We will also explore a simple option trade management rule that can help us reduce the cost basis of our option trade to less than zero which eliminates all risk and allows us to play with the ‘house’s money’. Sound option trade management can produce a profitable portfolio even if we trade with less than 50% accuracy.
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