And now Chuck Hughes, believed to be one of the world's greatest living traders, wants to share this secret with YOU. Starting TODAY, he's inviting a select few individuals to test-drive a system that's already produced an astonishing $3,844,307 in REAL MONEY PROFITS and an average return of 59.6%, while winning 9 out of every 10 trades!

In fact, Chuck is boldly guaranteeing that if the system doesn't produce a minimum $100,000 in PURE PROFIT during the first 12 months - setting you up to possibly earn a six-figure annual trading income, now and for life, he will return the entire purchase price to you!

If you're ready to shave years - even DECADES - off your wait for retirement... and you're dead serious about living the life of your dreams this year...

...then the secret trading "loophole" revealed in this report could change your life.

Because recently, I invited friends and family to try a newly discovered "retirement strategy" based on this secret... and to help me conduct a comprehensive experiment. It was an informal study using REAL people, with REAL money.

In fact, over a recent 4 month period...

This small group of ordinary individuals, following my exact instructions, had a chance to make...

Over $458 Profits Per Minute!
($4,580 in 10 Minutes Trading 10 Contracts!)

That's five minutes to enter the trade, five minutes to exit. Ten total minutes to complete the Costco trade that will earn a minimum of 1,090.5% - maybe more.

Best of all, this was NOT a one-time event. That same week, it happened again. This time our little group had the opportunity to make $28,546.00 - a staggering $2,854 per minute!

That same week, it happened again. And on this day, this small group again had the opportunity to make more than $1,319 per minute.

To put this into perspective...

Had you been among this small group of ordinary individuals, and assuming you invested just $5,000 on each of these three dates... following my exact instructions...

You could have pocketed $59,500... $60,700... $50,550... for a grand total of $170,750 in just 30 days.

That's an astonishing profit of $5,691 PER MINUTE - and using this secret loophole, there are literally trades just like this available almost every month...

IF you qualify for this opportunity.

In fact, this phenomenon repeated itself 25 times over in 4 months... helping me personally generate $555,112 in real money profits during that time. Click Here to see actual screenshots from two of my retirement accounts showing $1,754,710.54 profits!

How It's Possible to Squeeze 30 Years of Incredible
Retirement Gains Into Just 2-3 Years!

Well, if you'll commit a few minutes with me, reading this letter... then that's exactly what I'd like to share with you - the actual results of a 4 month trial...

Let me just say, if you're interested in the opportunity to possibly supplement your current income with thousands of dollars each month - then this might be the most important message you ever read.

"It really has worked out very well... My retirement fund is growing... I've been able to give more money to my church and other charitable organizations... And I know I can use the knowledge in the future to make a good steady income, no matter what happens."

- Gilles K.

Specifically, I'll show you how a small group of friends, family and associates had a chance to cash in on a little-known options strategy that I can virtually guarantee you've never heard of before.

It's tiny compared to the movement within big financial markets, yet it plays off everyday stocks like Apple, Google, Costco and others. Most importantly, it provides our small group with the potential to make huge profits - all because so few investors know about it!

Over the next few minutes...

I'm going to share with you the exact details of this hidden options loophole... and also... how you can take part in our next group of members in the upcoming month...

But first, let me explain...

How I Created $80,089 Per Month In My Retirement

And before we get to the "loophole"...

Let me make you a fair and stern warning: SPOTS ARE LIMITED.

I say this not to pressure you into a quick decision, but rather to keep you from missing out. God knows, everyone deserves an opportunity like this, but this is the REAL world... and no matter how unfair...

Less than 1 out of every 100 people reading this letter will join.

And the reason is simple:

Our success depends on keeping our membership small, and undiscovered, to ensure we don't overplay the market and spoil the potential gains for everyone.

The group of us who know about this strategy and use it is TINY... but if you're one of the lucky few who gets the opportunity to exploit it, you'll be thankful we kept it exclusive.

I Hope You're One of the Select
Few Who Get to Experience This...

My name is Chuck Hughes and for the last 30+ years I've been hunting down... analyzing... and discovering the "hidden secrets" to making consistent, risk-controlled and highly profitable options trades.

And even though I've helped literally thousands of individuals just like you to fast track their retirement and enjoy more freedom...

I still mostly operate under the radar of the rest of the industry.

That's the way I like it.

Sure, I'll accept the occasional opportunity to speak to the media, and I enjoy being invited to speak at national trading conferences, like the one I recently spoke at in Las Vegas - however...

Almost too good to be true... Except it is true

"When you have Chuck to send you emails and tell you what to do... it's almost too good to be true. Except it is true. And it's really been pretty amazing.

There is no question you can earn significantly more than the way most people trade. I am thrilled. This is fantastic."

- Bill K.

I Couldn't Care Less About Being "Famous."

That's why this report is NOT about me.

It's about YOU, and the incredible loophole I discovered that helps maximize your returns, while minimizing risk to as little as 6-8%.

If you know me at all, you know I'm far from egotistical, and have no need to stand atop the hill shouting "look at me"...

I live and work from home in a small beach town on the coast of California, mostly because I prefer privacy and quiet.

It's true... I provided my test group of friends and family with the information they needed, but it was their own COURAGE that led them to the gains I'm going to share with you today.

As you might guess, my research is worth nothing, unless used properly.

Only then will you have the potential to experience the freedom and accumulation of wealth... and start living life 100% on your own terms just as some of my test subjects have discovered.

This May Surprise You, But...

Every single person in my small test group was an ordinary person, just like you and me. They weren't Ph.D.'s or MIT math whizzes.

They weren't born on easy street and don't come from money.

They didn't have millions when they started either.

In fact, most of the people I've spoken to started small with less than $5,000 in their account until they became more confident... and invested bigger sums.

Gains of $1.43 Million!

"Chuck, I'm down here in Florida with my family enjoying our vacation home."

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me achieve my fnancial independence! I have gains of $1,430,000 thanks to you! Your recommendations take very little time to execute... I've been averaging over $29,900 a month in profts over the past three years. Chuck I'm sending a big thank you your way!"

- Dan J., Florida

Now, as a grizzled veteran who's traded options for decades I can admit...

When I first began after leaving the military and working as a pilot, I started with a very crude method... I used primitive strategies... experienced painful losses... and only understood a smidgen of the REAL way to profitably trade options.

However, over the last thirty years, I've honed and advanced my techniques, and just when I thought I'd probably seen every opportunity come and go "at least" twice...

Wouldn't you know it...

My Son PROVED Me Wrong!

I shouldn't say this because it'll only inflate his head, but he's well on his way to becoming an even better options trader than his father.

I'm just glad he works WITH me.

You see, he's the one who first helped me discover the loophole that gives you the same immense potential of a normal options trade, while simultaneously limiting your risk down to as low as 5%. It's truly incredible, and he's been instrumental at working to perfect it.

In fact, he was the one helping spearhead our test group of friends, family and colleagues, tracking everyone's success and ensuring we were on the right track.

And while I was tempted to put this on the back burner, he insisted we get rolling on this immediately.

The potential of this hidden, low-risk yet high-yield strategy was simply too great to be overlooked.

This Loophole Is So Powerful,
It Almost Feels Like Cheating!

And after trading this and some related strategies for 4 years - and making $3,844,307 in real money profits - my son and I decided to introduce this to everyone else.

Four months later, our small group had the opportunity to multiply their original investment with a 382.9% average gain per trade. You can see the full list of trades below:


And had you been with us... you could've had the exact same opportunity.

In fact, I personally have an average 422.8% return across all my trades with real money in my account using this strategy - and the only reason our test group didn't do as well is because I wasn't yet confident enough to recommend every single trade I placed.

Just imagine...

Investing a little over $2,000 and getting back $7,352 - in just a few months...

By the end of the four months, my son and I - along with all our "test group" - were
going nuts... we were on to something special.

And when you consider this can all be done in less than 10 minutes per trade... it's not hard to see how one might rack up profits of $500... $1,000 or even $2,000+ per minute.

But I don't think any of us would have predicted the type of success we'd experience in just four months...

We all thought... can we really maintain this pace?

$156,509 in Potential Profits In Less Than 120 Days!

"Once I started using your strategies - boy, did my life change. It has been amazing! Your approach to wealth building is easy to understand and simple to implement. My husband and I are now thinking of buying a retirement home in Santa Barbara with the proceeds."

- Helen M., California

Pretty impressive, right?

Well, our profit run didn't stop there. In fact, it's only now just beginning...

And although you've probably never heard of or invested in this options trading strategy before, don't worry...

It takes very little time to invest in a regular brokerage account - even using most retirement accounts - and has the potential to pay you handsomely over the next few years, maybe longer...

If... we can keep it quiet!

Right now, this options strategy is relatively undiscovered, but... some sophisticated investors are starting to take notice.

I call this loophole the "Market Neutral Strategy" - and the beauty of it is...

Most Options Strategies Force You to Risk 100% Loss
Per Trade... Here, Even If Your Timing Is Terrible,
You Lose Maybe 6-8% and Move On!

And yet, despite mitigating your risk, you still have the same incredible upside that comes with typical options trading! Can you see why it's critical you get in and start using this strategy?

Here's how it works...

I did four Market Neutral trades in my retirement account. The brokerage report below shows I bought the Costco Jul 95 call for 15.40 and sold it at 22.57 for a 7.17 point profit.

My brokerage account transaction report below shows that I then rolled over the July option into the August 105 call. The 7.17 profit on the July call reduced the cost basis of the August call from 12.65 to 5.48. This allows me to reduce my cost basis and risk and compound my returns. I also purchased the August 115 put for 1.03 points which created a Market Neutral spread that protected my profits.

The Market Neutral Calculator that follows shows the profit/loss potential for this trade assuming various price changes in Costco stock at August option expiration from a 40% increase to a 60% decline. The minimum profit on this trade is 100.8% no matter what happens with COST stock. If the stock goes up 10% I get a 282.1% return. If the stock goes down 20% I get a 215.6% return.

My brokerage account transaction report below shows that I then rolled over the August Market Neutral Spread into the September options. The cost of the August spread was 6.51 points. I closed out the August spread for 14.24 points resulting in a 7.73 point profit which reduced the cost of the September spread by 7.73 points. The rollover allows me to reduce my cost basis and risk and compound my returns.

The brokerage account transaction report below shows that I purchased the September Market Neutral Spread for 8.15 points. The 7.73 profit on the close out of the August spread reduced the cost basis of the September spread to .42 points.

The Market Neutral Calculator that follows shows the profit/loss potential for this trade assuming various price changes in Costco stock at September option expiration from a 10% increase to a 10% decline. The minimum profit on this trade is 1,090.5% regardless of the price movement of COST stock.

If the stock goes up 10% I get a 3,795.7% return. If the stock goes down 10% I get a 2,881.4% return.

Seems hard? Trying to do this on your own IS complicated. However, in a moment I'm going to show you how to trade this "Market Neutral" loophole in a way that...

Even a Beginner Trader Should Be Able To Do It!

The most amazing thing is that this lucrative "market neutral" loophole I discovered is only ONE of THREE POWERFUL strategies my son and I discovered and used to explode my retirement account... while also helping our test group do the same.

The second one is called the "Become Your Own Bank" strategy - and it's every bit as powerful!

In fact, here's a chart showing the results of it so far:


Live trades continued... Click Here to see the remaining results.

As you can see, it has generated $164,806.22 in profit opportunities - with an average per trade gain of 90%! More remarkably, all 19 of the trade recommendations were profitable!

Want even more? We've also discovered and perfected something called the "Stress Less Investing" Strategy - which did just as well:


The previous table shows the Stress Less Investing Strategy had $122,445.00 in open trade profits with an average return of 101.6%. All of the trade recommendations are profitable.

Even in the unlikely event that all of the underlying stocks in this portfolio go to zero at option expiration, this portfolio would still be profitable. This demonstrates the ability of the strategy to produce excellent returns with very low risk.

That's why my son and I are so excited to finally be introducing something we've been working on for nearly two years to perfect. It's called the...

Lifetime Income System (LIS)

And it incorporates the three powerful strategies we've reviewed in this report, as well as two others we haven't even had time to review with you.

What our initial testers told us they love most about the Lifetime Income System (LIS) is the minimal amount of time, effort, and knowledge needed to put these strategies to work.

In fact, you're probably not going to believe me when I tell you exactly what's required of you to see these kind of returns, but...

Our service for trading these specific options is structured in three (3) parts:

STEP 1: Each week, simply check your email and review the recommendation I send you (note: I only send you recos if they ft into one of these strategies!)

STEP 2: Decide how much you'd like to invest. Strategies like the "Market Neutral" strategy can be done in a trading account as small as $5,000 with as little as $700 or so per trade. Then if you choose, place the trade online or by phone in less than 10 minutes.

STEP 3: Then, assuming the trade is a winner - which 92.0% of my personal trades in LIS have been - you just have to let your profits ride while waiting for my exit signal.

This is not complicated and takes little time to do...


In a recent customer survey, we found that nearly three out of four customers that traded this made money. Only 4% said they did not learn anything new and useful.

See full survey results at

We Do ALL the Work.
You Collect ALL the Potential Profits!

Although we believe this is relatively simple, I encourage you to learn as much as you can as there is no substitute for hard work. And in a moment, I'm going to invite you to send for a FREE manual that further details these strategies and how they work - just in case you ever want to trade them on your own.

But that's only if you have time. If you're like most people, you can just wait for my signals and jump online to place the trade.

To my knowledge, wealth accumulation at this SPEED does not happen in any other market. And YOU could also potentially enjoy gains like these.

But please, don't think of this as one of those "get-rich-quick" operations. I hate those things, and they never work.

And although you may disagree with me, from your own past experiences... "Big gains" are NOT synonymous with "Big risks."

I know most people believe there's a direct correlation, but I think they're WRONG!

But, I want you to understand, this service is AIMED at helping you fast track your retirement - NOT gamble it.

In a nutshell, our "test group" appreciated the vast number of medium-to-high double (even triple) digit gains we provided without exposing them to big risk.

Best of all, this strategy is fundamental to the nature of stocks - it's not based on some macro or micro trend, or other cycles that are here one day and gone the next. It has "lifetime" potential.

You might be wondering...

"Chuck, Do You Ever Lose?"

Well, I knew that question was coming sooner or later, so here's the answer.

In actual trading over a recent 6 year period...

...I won 92.0% of the time.

Of course, not every single put or call was a winner, but often, even when part of the trade lost - I still finished profitable on 92.0% of each position.

But yes, it's true. Losses can and WILL happen.

I'm not perfect, and anybody who tells you they ARE is a liar.

Again, I designed the system to allow myself to lose individual puts or calls within an overall trade - yet still finish way ahead on virtually every single position.

And that is my BIG SECRET to wealth.

There's no mystery as to why the Lifetime Income System (LIS) is so profitable...

Think about it. Instead of taking one step forward, then one (or two) steps back, like most trading systems - we literally take more than nine steps forward for every one step back. That's why individual puts or calls that miss the mark barely even affect our earnings...

I Know of No Safer Way to Potentially
Create Meaningful Trading Income

I know it's easy to cherry-pick a few winners, and you and I both know this happens far too often...

For that reason, I'm going to show you EVERY pick I recently traded using the LIS strategies in my two retirement accounts. And yes, that includes all losers.

"I spend an hour or so every morning with my wealth building business. Then I spend the rest of the day doing such things as hiking in the mountains. I don't have to worry about working or money. I've got Chuck Hughes!"

- Don T.

"I'm getting 203% annual cash payouts using Chuck's approach. And for me that's income in excess of $150,000 per year while risking only a small portion of my capital."

- Craig F.

If you're thinking of joining our next small group - then you NEED to know the whole truth and NOT some sugar-coated version that sounds better.

All I can do is show you the PROOF and explain how it works. Taking "action" is your responsibility.

Take a look for yourself... and just imagine... that those who ignore this information will be missing out on a tremendous opportunity.

$1,754,710.54 in REAL MONEY PROFITS
And An Average Return of 171.7%

As you look at my brokerage account profit/loss reports: Click Here, keep something in mind.

Whereas most trading systems use "model" accounts and "simulated" results that essentially allow them to massage the results any way they want - what you see here is nothing but REAL MONEY trades from two of my actual retirement accounts.

The trades you see, of which all 18 are profitable, are all verified. Click Here to see screenshots from my actual account.

To put that into perspective...

If you had been on board for this financial ride, and traded a similar amount per trade - then just like me, you could have potentially banked...

An Average Income of $80,089 Per Month!

Different members of our "test group" probably got slightly different results, depending on the actual prices they entered and exited.

But most important, please don't think of this as a magical way to get "something for nothing."

"After 22 years I've seen lots of programs come and go. And I truly, honestly believe that Hughes is the best out there, bar none. His methods are very simple. And they work. Even a brand new trader should do well."

- Eric G.

Sure, there is an opportunity to make some REAL money, but profiting from these trades requires actual capital - at least $5,000 for the "Market Neutral" strategy and around $10,000 for the others...

...And it requires the simple ability to follow instructions.

It's my job to not only provide you with opportunities to make money, but ALSO help you protect your money. This can be used in most retirement accounts and that money is important to you.

The primary goal of this service is consistent, medium-to-high double (even triple) digit gains, but...

Small Wins Are Still Better Than Small Losses.

"I started with Chuck about a year ago and I'm averaging over $10,000 per month."

- Rod W.

If you have a problem with my "get-rich-slow-and-steady" method for doing things - then this probably isn't the service for you.

Don't get me wrong. I want you to make lots of money, but...

I want you to do it with loss protection. That way, the next time you're on the golf course and your friends start talking about their investments...

You can JUST smile. Anything more would be bragging.

Besides, I NEED you to keep this under the radar. Not everyone can know about it.

I'll tell you why in a minute, but...

It's only a matter of time before your friends start wondering how you're doing it. They'll start asking for your advice, picking your brain, and so on.

It's inevitable.

And, as you can imagine, making tens of thousands of dollars in "side income" each month doesn't go unnoticed. On average, our test group had the opportunity to pocket an extra 382.9% per trade using JUST ONE of these strategies.

Now, here's the bad news... the reason this MUST remain under the radar is because of how small this options "niche" really is... we can't risk spoiling the potential gains by inviting too many.

And if you yell...

In Less Than 10 Minutes Per Trade!"

Well, you know what will happen.

Listen. This isn't like the "traditional" options trading.

My account has grown to $62,000

"Everything out there seemed so complicated and confusing. Then a friend of mine introduced me to your strategies. They really work! My account has grown to more than $62,000. I currently have a $35,225 profit. Not bad for a beginner! Thank you, Chuck for heading me in the right direction!"

- Anne, New Jersey

You don't have to be a Caltech rocket scientist armed with 14 different algorithms, pour through dozens of charts each night, or have a million dollars in your account just to get started.

Truth is, if you don't want to... you don't have to learn a single thing... and could get started with just $5,000 in your trading account, TODAY.

Our members receive very specific instructions... STEP 1... STEP 2... STEP 3... which, if you choose, can then be repeated word-for-word to any broker... or traded online in less than 10 minutes each time you execute a trade.

This is not complicated.

Most of our initial testers are ordinary people just like you and me. They have jobs, families, and are constantly trying to ft 27 hours worth of activities into a 24-hour day.

And with 100 other things on their plate, they simply haven't got the time to LEARN everything necessary to make big and consistent gains in this options sector.

That's why we created this service.

We believe this paint-by-number approach offers you an opportunity to fast track your retirement while having fun just a few minutes each morning.

Is This Quick and Easy?

The steps to follow this are simple and take only minutes per day. Just keep in mind that trading is not just following signals. The hardest part is to pull the trigger and put your money on the line. Until you gain experience this won't be simple and easy.

I believe my trading guidance and straightforward trades will give you a huge step towards success.

"Potential Life-Long Income... "

If you have an Internet connection... then YOU can potentially make REAL money.

And if you haven't already got a brokerage account... no worries... you may set one up online through any regular broker.

You don't need anything but a typical options trading account... no special forms or crazy minimums to worry about either - it's simple. This can even be done in nearly every IRA or retirement account... potentially increasing the size of your retirement accounts like never before.

Best of all, we're not going to force anything. As you can see, I'm very careful about each position I enter. I may miss a put or call here or there, but in general - I ONLY enter positions with a strong probability of finishing ahead.

When I believe the RIGHT factors align... we'll strike. In mere days, you'll have the potential to earn as much as some people make in an entire year.

Imagine Having a "Hobby" That
Pays You Over $100,000 a Year!

Hobbies are great... but you and I both know they COST a fortune.

Between maintaining the boat... snow skiing... greens fees... owning a horse... traveling or whatever - you almost need a second job just to pay for them.

But this "hobby" is different - it potentially pays YOU.

In fact, while having fun just a few minutes each week you'll now have the opportunity to afford even more of the things you've always wanted. Can you imagine?

Best of all, you don't have to take open-ended risks with the LIS options strategies... they are so explosive that, at times, unavoidably and almost by accident, big money can just happen.

And although you're in no way obligated to invest, should you choose to get in the game, it's as easy as:

STEP 1: Read an email.

STEP 2: Decide how much you'd like to invest. Then if you choose, place your order online or by phone in less than 10 minutes.

STEP 3: Return to your daily activities.

And when we're getting returns like we did with our test group... well...

Can you think of a better $100,000-a-year hobby?

Your potential gains may be more... or... may be less. And you must never forget that losses can and do happen. It depends on your comfort level and how much you choose to invest on each trade.

Many of our initial testers started small. Some even started out trading on paper to build their confidence... until of course, they realized they were missing out on REAL profits.

How Much You Make Is Totally Up to You

If you're more conservative, or you only invest 10% of what I generally recommend per trade... you would have made $15,650 on just one of the LIS strategies - that's still pretty good.

Especially when you consider it takes less than 10 minutes to enter a trade.

Bottom line: This strategy was designed with individual investors in mind. It's no longer only known to pro traders, fat-cat institutions and billionaires.

Despite that, this remains one of the undiscovered gems in the investment world, and I intend on keeping it that way for as long as possible.

So, unfortunately, this opportunity is NOT for everyone.

"Bought my wife a new Cadillac for Valentine's Day. Had more than enough earnings the last two days to pay for it."

- Gary J.

In fact, once we hit our 1 out of every 100 reader acceptance limit, this letter, and my invitation to be one of our next members will disappear.

Get In Now and Potentially Create
Passive Income Through 2021 And Beyond!

Thing is, I can't risk spoiling the potential gains for those who pay a premium for this service, and are lucky enough to get accepted.

So, the big question is... do you have the courage to create a lifelong income stream?

Because most people don't - and they simply "deal" with all the frustration that comes with not having enough money.


After graduating from college Chuck Hughes entered the U.S. Air Force Pilot Training program. Chuck served six years on active duty as a pilot and six years in the Air Force Reserves. When Chuck completed his Air Force active duty tour, he got his dream job as an airline pilot flying for a major US airline.

Trading fit in well with Chuck's full time airline job as he could trade part time on his days off.  He liked system trading and developed his own trend-following system that he still uses today.

In the beginning, Chuck had to start small with a $4,600 trading account. But his tax returns show that he made $460,164 in profits his first two years of trading. This was more than he made the previous six years as an airline pilot. Since then Chuck has made $Millions trading and has over 3 decades of trading experience.

Chuck has written numerous books on investing and taught thousands of people how to make money trading. He resides on the Central Coast of California with his wife and six children and now trades full time. He is an avid tennis player and enjoys hiking in the mountains of Big Sur.

Whenever you invest, on a regular basis, there's a 100% chance of certainty that you'll eventually lose on one or two or more trades.

And although we won 92% of the time, and that's great, the flip side is that we lost 8% of the time.

So, if you're not capable of dealing with some setbacks... then this service may NOT be for you.

I do everything I know possible, from 30 years of being "in the trenches", to help you minimize risk and protect your money from loss, but... sometimes for reasons outside of my control it does happen.

That's why, if you can't live with some losses, then you should stop reading here.

On the other hand, if you understand that the opportunity to win many times more than you lose... can "fast track" your retirement and support you in grand style - then this opportunity may just be perfect for you.

In fact, once you understand how this high-profit-potential-investment works, you may never want to invest in the traditional stock market ever again.

Now, I know what you're thinking...

"Okay, Chuck,
How Heavy Is The Price Tag?"

Well, before I tell you, and because this isn't cheap...

I want you to know, we offer a number of other services that are less expensive... and may be more appropriate for you.

Simply put, our other research services are good, but THIS service is one that can be potentially life-changing.

Where an investment of $2,000... $5,000... or $10,000... could potentially balloon into a full year's salary in just a few months time...

By some standards, this service is abominably expensive to get started... but it is so, for several reasons:

This is designed for a very small group of moderately aggressive individuals who want to see serious gains. So, to ask anything less would trivialize something of potentially priceless value.

And although anyone can apply, it's my opinion that many people are simply not ready for this level of opportunity. Despite being very simple, I'd prefer to have only those members who are able to take full advantage of my research. So bluntly, the price, to some extent, serves as a screening device.

Would You Trade $4,000 for a Possible
Lifetime of Meaningful Income?

Because of the LIMITED number of people this "niche" can support, and the fact that only 1 out of 100 will be able to join... this price ensures only the most serious-minded individuals are reaping the rewards.

The fee to get started, and to participate in the full 12 month program, is $3,997.

"In about 7 months the account went from $100,000 to $200,000... then it hit $260,000! I mean, it's just kind of incredible... Really!"

- Dr. Ted W.

If you're put on the waiting-list, we'll immediately refund your credit card and notify you of your status.

Listen. You ARE the only one who can decide if this opportunity is right for you, no one else, but...

You Might Not Be Ready for This Opportunity...

You should NOT feel at all guilty, or negligent, should you decide this isn't for you. It is expensive. It is unique (and takes little time to implement), designed for very specific individuals with risk capital.

You could potentially recover your membership cost in this service with just one, maybe two picks (depending on your comfort level) that you would not have otherwise known about. But the recovery of the membership fee isn't the point.

The point is, this is a complete and radical re-engineered opportunity designed to potentially generate an extra $122,445... $156,509... even $164,806 or more each year (every year) while having fun entering trades that take about 10 minutes to implement.

I cannot unequivocally guarantee success. No one can. That's why this is NOT a service for the starving individual grasping for a life raft.

I do not want you putting a second mortgage on your aunt's wheelchair in order to do this. I want strong individuals.

Because of the limited number of spots, I'm looking for successful people who ARE ready to be more successful, using a calculated, less-aggressive approach to potentially see some HUGE gains.

If that's YOU... I can only encourage you to take action before it's too late.

If you're still unsure, and because I don't want to see well deserving people fall victim to their own skepticism...

I'll take ALL the risk for the subscription cost for a FULL ONE YEAR period...

And Guarantee The Return of The Subscription Fee
If The Advisory Service Signals Do Not Make a
Minimum of $100,000 In Profits Over That Time!

This way, you'll have an entire YEAR to prove to yourself that this is the REAL deal.

And remember, that is not only enough time to test this out... it's enough time to potentially multiply your money many times over.

Here's how it works:

Over the course of the next year, we'll document every single one of our trades - just as we have been.

Then, at the end of the 12-month period, the overall Lifetime Income System (LIS) Advisory Service MUST have generated AT LEAST $100,000 in profits across all trades- or you are entitled to a full, no-questions-asked refund.

Remember, this is well below what our test group saw, and below our average for each of the individual strategies - so I feel very confident in making this seemingly bold guarantee to you.

In other words, the Lifetime Income System (LIS) trade signals must produce profits more than 25-to-1 on the cost of membership - or you pay nothing!

PLUS, in the unlikely event that happens, you'll also be able to keep ALL the special reports, training manuals... and whatever gains you experienced as a NEW member.

Consider This Our Gift to You
For Having The Courage to
At Least Experience This for Yourself.

You have ONE FULL YEAR to examine everything and review my research. You can even prove to yourself the TRUE profit potential of this service by trading on paper until you build enough confidence to really "get in the game."

You'll see just how little time it takes to enter trades, and if you choose, can potentially start making money by the end of the first week.

Bottom Line: I'm the one taking all the risk on subscription cost.

But now I want to say something very bluntly: Please do NOT get this just to be a tire kicker. DON'T be casual about this. Because it's very likely that we generate well over $100,000 and no one will get a refund. Those who fail to place the trades won't get the incredible potential profits either.

I only want people who are prepared to take action and have a desire to fast track their retirement.

Yes, I will absolutely honor my guarantees... you don't have to worry about that. But I hope there's mutual sincerity and integrity. I'm very serious about helping you.

Fortunately, if you've made it this far, I really don't think this is going to be an issue.

After all, why would you have read this entire letter, and investigated this opportunity, if you weren't truly committed to becoming one of the fortunate 1% who is accepted?

If what I've said to you in this letter has resonated with you... in your "heart of hearts" (as it has for others) then...

Joining Me In the
Lifetime Income System (LIS)
Should Be the Easiest Decision of Your Life.

You can see EVERYTHING, do EVERYTHING, and experience EVERYTHING in this powerful system with zero risk on your subscription cost for a FULL 12-month period.

So, here's what I recommend you do...

First, simply Click Here Now to accept your invitation for the Lifetime Income System (LIS).

Assuming enrollment is still open, you'll be able to complete your registration and pay for membership. Otherwise, if we've already reached our 1 out of every 100 reader acceptance limit - you have the option of being placed on the waiting list.

Because you ARE among the first among our customers to receive this invitation... if you act now, there's a good chance you'll be able to secure a spot in our next small group of potentially successful (yet ordinary) individuals.

Next, and after being notified of acceptance, you'll be given the EXACT details of this specialized and highly focused options "niche"...

It's all explained in the Lifetime Income System Course and Fast Start Guide - easily worth $997 on its own - which you get FREE as part of your membership. Click Here to Order Today!

In that powerful guide, you'll discover:

> Why the "market neutral" strategy gives you every bit as much profit potential as normal options trades, but with a fraction of the risk...

> How we try to maximize our probability of picking winners (the secret to how we've won on 92.0% of LIS positions)...

> Which strategies, I believe, are best for YOU right now.

> How to quickly get "up to speed" and learn to potentially trade these strategies profitably on your own, in addition to the picks I send you...

> And much, MUCH MORE!

In addition to that powerful course, you'll receive step-by-step instructions to potentially start profiting from this service... and to take advantage of the very SAME type of research described in this study.

Through my bulletins, I'll be with you "side-by-side" to guide you through the entire learning process.

I'll Do Whatever It Takes to Make It Possible
For You to Achieve the Income You Want...

But I can only do that if you Click Here to Join Me Now. I promise to provide you with everything you need to know... so you too can potentially wring this "money sponge" for every last cent, just as our test group was able to do!

This type of teaching is invaluable, but... it doesn't stop there.

Each recommendation will come with specific instructions on entering trades... and then later, timing your exit.

Of course, you're never obligated to trade, and the amount you invest is completely up to you.

You can start on paper, with a small $5,000 account and as little as $700 or so per trade. It's your choice.

The only "catch" is there's only so much room in the program.

That's why you should Order Here and take action right now, rather than later, to ensure someone doesn't steal your spot in our next small group.

And NO... this isn't some cheap sales trick either - the reasons are genuine as I've explained.

Once the Doors Are Closed, That's It.

By the way, if you don't manage to get a spot, I would be grateful if you still kept this invitation close by... as a few spots will inevitably be filled off the waiting list.

This will ensure you have every opportunity to get in on these strategies and don't miss out.

I greatly look forward to speaking with you regularly, by email, over the Internet.

Once you discover just how little time it takes... you may never have to put in another hard day of work again.

Here's to life-long profits... let the race begin!

I'll look forward to seeing you inside the program.

Chuck Hughes
World Trading Champion
Trader, The Lifetime Income System

P.S. Only 1 out of every 100 readers will be accepted... will YOU be in our next group? If so, you'll have the opportunity to supplement your income with six-figures or more by the end of 2021!

P.P.S. The exact details behind all of the strategies I've shared inside this report will ONLY be revealed to those who are accepted into our next small group.


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MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: Returns earned by Chuck Hughes are not typical of the performance that the average subscriber is likely to achieve. Returns of the average subscriber is dependent on a variety of factors including but not limited to the amount of capital invested, volume of contracts, timing of entry and exit of trades and other factors.

No representation is being made that you will achieve profits or the same or similar results as any person providing a testimonial. No representation is being made that the person providing the testimonial is likely to continue to experience profitable trading after the date on which the testimonial is provided, and the person providing the testimonial may have subsequently sustained losses. Auto-trading, or any broker or advisor-directed type of trading, is not supported or endorsed by Legacy Publishing LLC. For additional information on auto-trading, you may visit the SEC's website: All About Auto-Trading

No representation is being made that any of the persons who provide testimonials have continued to experience the same level of profitable trading after the date on which the testimonial was provided. In fact, such persons may have experienced losses immediately thereafter or may have experienced losses proceeding the period of time referenced in the testimonial.

Legacy Publishing LLC does not recommend or refer subscribers to broker-dealers. You should perform your own due diligence with respect to satisfactory broker-dealers and whether to open a brokerage account. You should always consult with your own professional advisers regarding equities and options on equities trading. The information provided by the newsletters, trading, training and educational products related to various markets (collectively referred to as the “Services”) is not customized or personalized to any particular risk profile or tolerance. Nor is the information published by Legacy Publishing LLC a customized or personalized recommendation to buy, sell, hold, or invest in particular financial products, and the information and/or recommendation is intended to supplement your own research and analysis. Legacy Publishing LLC Services are not a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any financial products, and the Services are not intended to provide money management advice or services.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Trading and investing involve substantial risk. Trading on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Other than the refund policy detailed elsewhere, Legacy Publishing LLC does not make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using the Services. No person subscribing for the Services (“Subscriber”) should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own personal financial adviser, broker or consultant. Legacy Publishing LLC disclaims any and all liability in the event anything contained in the Services proves to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or results in any investment or other loss by a Subscriber. You should trade or invest only “risk capital” – money you can afford to lose. Trading stocks and stock options involves high risk and you can lose the entire principal amount invested. All investments carry risk and all trading decisions remain the responsibility of the person making the decision. There is no guarantee that systems, indicators or trading signals will result in profits or that they will not produce losses. Subscribers should fully understand all risks associated with any kind of trading or investing before engaging in such activities. Some profit examples are based on hypothetical or simulated trading. This means the trades are not actual trades and instead are hypothetical trades based on real market prices at the time the recommendation is disseminated. No actual money is invested, nor are any trades executed. Hypothetical or simulated performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. Also, the hypothetical results do not include the costs of subscriptions, commissions, or other fees. Because the trades underlying these examples have not actually been executed, the results may understate or overstate the impact of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading services in general are also designed with the benefit of hindsight, which may not be relevant to actual trading. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. Legacy Publishing LLC makes no representations or warranties that any account will or is likely to achieve profits similar to those shown.

Chuck Hughes’ experiences are not typical. Chuck Hughes is an experienced investor and your results will vary depending on risk tolerance, amount of risk capital utilized, size of trading position and other factors. Certain Subscribers may modify Chuck Hughes’ methods, or modify or ignore the rules or risk parameters, and any such actions are taken entirely at the Subscriber’s election and for the Subscriber’s own risk. Some figures presented represent the total amount of option premium collected during the referenced period. Actual profits were less. The cost basis for some of the options in a portfolio may be reduced by rolling over profits at option expiration which is one of the Hughes Optioneering Trade Management Rules. Open trade profit results may have increased or decreased when the trades were closed out. The actual profit results presented here may vary with the actual profit results presented in other Legacy Publishing LLC publications due to the different strategies and time frames presented in other publications.

The Lifetime Income Systems includes 5 powerful strategies: Market Neutral Stategy, "Become Your Own Bank", "Stress Less Investing" Strategy, plus two others.
Lifetime Income System
YES, Chuck! I love the idea of potentially getting paid up to $5,691 PER MINUTE! I want to be part of your next test group and go for potential gains of 90% . . . 101.6% . . . 382.9% per trade OR MORE . . . with each trade . . . taking action on a few simple alerts each month. I understand that my new membership is fully guaranteed. The Lifetime Income System (LIS) Advisory Service Trading Signals must generate a verifiable $100,000 in profit across all recommended trades - otherwise I'm eligible for a full refund of my membership fee, no questions asked.

Lifetime Income System Course Guide
FREE $997
Please also send me my free copy of the Lifetime Income System Course Guide.
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